137 PROJECTS TOTAL | 02-17-2025 | |
WELCOME TO MY WEBSITE. HERE YOU WILL FIND MY PROJECTS AND POSTS.USE THE MENU ON THE LEFT TO NAVIGATE THE WEBSITE.ENJOY!09/16/2024 - HT Ham Radio Inside of a VehicleUsing light rays to approximate the behavior of radio waves. https://phydemo.app/ray-optics/simulator/ ![]() Antenna is mounted on the roof of the vehicle. (attentuation included) ![]() The antenna is mounted on the trunk of the vehicle. (attentuation included) ![]() If the antenna is inside of the vehicle and the ceiling and walls reflected. (attentuation included) ![]() If the antenna is in the vehicle and the ceiling and walls fully absorbed the RF. (attentuation included) 08/29/2024 - Digital Binary Menorah![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/digi_menorah/ 08/07/2024 - Mounts for handheld radios![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/baofeng/ 06/12/2024 - C# and PHP program that scrambles the inner letters of words in a sentencehttp://www.persion.info/projects/shuffle/ 04/05/2024 - Proof that batteries have an electric field around them![]() A) A battery will charge a capacitor. B) If you increase the distance between the capacitor plates, the field will remain. C) There is a capacitance between the electrodes of a battery. D) Therefor a battery has an electric field around it. ![]() This simulation is in 2D and would be different in 3D. 12/28/2023 - Testing the optical accuracy of Fusion 360![]() 12/20/2023 - Put Shortcut Icons on UBUNTU Desktop### DESKTOP FILE LOCATIONS /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications /usr/share/applications/ ### COPY DESKTOP FILES TO DESKTOP FOLDER ### APPLY THIS TO THE DESKTOP FILES... chmod a+x ~/Desktop/file.desktop\ gio set file.desktop metadata::trusted true OR... gio set file.desktop metadata::trusted yes http://www.persion.info/projects/ubuntu-desktop/ 12/15/2023 - RPM, Torque and HP Sensor![]() Horse power is proportional to RPM and torque... There are two optical gates. To measure RPM you time two ticks using one of the gates, and torque is proportional to the time difference between both optical gates... The larger the discs, the more accurate the torque reading. 11/17/2023 - Art Work on Display at Garner Art Center![]() ![]() ![]() This art is the result of a failed 3D print. I named it, "First Layer". 11/15/2023 - Cut With Electricity![]() ![]() 10/03/2023 - Magnetron Model, not to scale![]() ![]() 09/26/2023 - 3D Grocery bag handle, stress analysis, 50 pound load.![]() ![]() https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3729420 09/20/2023 - 3D printed light pole![]() 09/20/2023 - Practicing 3D CAD![]() 09/20/2023 - Turn your roller blades into ice skates![]() 06/16/2023 - Evolving antenna design using simulated annealing![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/antenna_simulated_annealing/ 05/26/2023 - Practicing Fusion 360![]() ![]() 05/26/2023 - New paradigm for simulating electricityhttp://www.persion.info/projects/mec-elec/ ![]() ![]() Capacitance = radial springInductance = fly wheel moment of inertiaResistance = flywheel frictionDiode = ratchetVoltage = torque on input diskCurrent = angular disk velocity05/05/2023 - New GMRS call sign card generatorhttp://www.persion.info/projects/gmrs/ http://www.persion.info/projects/gmrs2/ http://www.persion.info/projects/gmrs3/ http://www.persion.info/projects/gmrs4/ 05/03/2023 - Registered for GMRS license04/13/2023 - Practicing the new emboss feature in Fusion 360![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 01/31/2023 - Fill in image based forms with this programhttp://www.persion.info/projects/forms/ 12/17/2022 - SDR Laptop Mount posted on Hackaday.comhttps://hackaday.com/2022/12/16/antenna-mount-designed-for-on-the-go-sdr/ I had some ideas today for an even better SDR laptop module. Here are the parts needed..
SDR: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073JZ8CC2/
$34.95 CABLE: https://www.amazon.com/SDTC-Tech-Coaxial-Extender-Connector/dp/B07N1QZVHR/ $9.99 ANTENNA: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UJATBX8/ $6.09 VELCRO: https://www.amazon.com/Self-Adhesive-Strips-Sticky-Fastener-COCOBOO/dp/B07R1H53M1 $16.99 07/10/2022 - Started online Amazon storehttp://www.persion.info/projects/store/ 07/10/2022 - Revised Coil Gun Project![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/gyrogun/ This is based on my original project post from 2003.... http://web.archive.org/web/20030205175449/http://www.voltsamps.com/pages/projects/gyrogun01/ 07/08/2022 - Practicing photorealistic rendering in Fusion 360![]() 06/23/2022 - Every coding project, reformattedIt is now easy to copy and paste code from any of the programs posted on this website. 06/09/2022 - Italian horn pendant challenge (Fusion 360)![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/italian_horn/ 06/08/2022 - I found a great online tool for converting C# code to HTMLhttp://hilite.me/ 06/08/2022 - Program to break a file into two peices, then recombining them, using XOR![]() http://www.persion.info/projects/xor_merge/ 05/10/2022 - Learning and practacing photorealistic rendering![]() 03/18/2022 - Smart watch vs regular digital watch![]() 06/21/2021 - EMP BOX v2.0 was fixed and updatedFixed version of EMP v2.0 http://persion.info/projects/emp_box_002/ 06/17/2021 - EMP BOX v2.0Small, high power, handheld EMP v2.0 http://persion.info/projects/emp_box_002/ 06/13/2021 - SOCIONICS CARDSMy custom made Socionics cards. Free download of cards in PNG format. http://persion.info/projects/socion_cards/ 06/10/2021 - VINTAGE SLIDES TO JPEGMy dad and I found our old slides from when we lived in Ukraine, and wanted to post them online. So we went and designed and 3D printed a camera adapter that lets us do just that... http://persion.info/projects/slides/ 06/08/2021 - PNEUMATIC MOTOR 3D MODEL![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 03/14/2021 - WIRED TRIGGER HOLDER / HANDLE![]() ![]() ![]() https://www.amazon.com/Xit-XT60RS-Wired-Remote-Control/dp/B00B8PRSW4/ 02/17/2021 - DRILL BIT ORGANIZER CONCEPT![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is an idea I had for automatically organizing drill bits. You place the drill bit in the slot and pess the red button. The slot squeezes the drill bit in order to grab it and to measure its diameter. The device then places the drill bit into the correct hole. 01/01/2021 - PYTHON FACE DETECTION SECURITY SYSTEM![]() http://persion.info/projects/python_webcam_face/ A program I wrote this morning in Python that looks for faces via webcam and saves the caputred image. 12/24/2020 - TOOK SOME APTITUDE TESTShttps://www.jobtestprep.co.uk/ A "curved score" is one that is graded on a bell curve, using normal distribution. This means that it is graded according to the average performances of everyone who takes it, and that the final grade will reflect how well one did in comparison to the others, as opposed to what percentage of the questions were answered correctly. For example, on a standard test, if you answer 5 questions correctly out of 10, your grade will be 50%. If the same test were graded on a bell curve, however, your score would depend on how well others did. If the others on average answered 3 out of 10 correctly, your score would be closer to an 70% or 80%. If the others answered on average 7 out of 10 correctly, your score would be closer to 20% or 30%. This method is used here because you are competing with others for the position, so it is appropriate to be gradedin comparison to others. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 12/20/2020 - PYTHON WEBCAM QR CODEI just wrote a simple Python program that decodes QR codes that are visible to the webcam... ![]() http://persion.info/projects/python_webcam_qr/ 12/09/2020 - SCHIZOPHRENIA AND SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACYI just realized that one of my theories on schizophrenia is the exact same thing as "slippery slope fallacy" ... http://persion.info/projects/schizo/ "Slippery Slope Fallacy - Asserting that if we allow A to happen, then Z will consequently happen too, therefor A should not happen" This is why ENTJ personality type can keep INTP personality type from thinking dangerous thoughts.... If I think of a slippery slope idea, it can be dangerous to me, but an ENTJ would destroy the proposal because it is a standard fallacy. 12/09/2020 - TWO NEW STATISTICAL SIMULATIONSI was in a coding mood today and decided to test two paradoxes using some Python code. The first problem is the "birthday paradox" which states that... "if you have 23 people in a group, there is a 50% chance that two people will have the same birthday." and the second paradox is called, the "Monty Hall Paradox" which baffled many mathematicians and is based on a game show situation. More information is available in the following links... http://persion.info/projects/birthday/ http://persion.info/projects/monty-hall/ 12/07/2020 - GYRO GUN CONCEPT RENDERING![]() ![]() I already have this posted as a porject, but the diagrams from a long time ago are 2D and low quality. So I posted this version. http://persion.info/projects/gyrogun/ 11/30/2020 - JUST BECAUSE![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Despite the fact that my free energy device won't work. I went ahead and made a more efficient version of it. If I actually got this thing to work, I would be out partying right now, and the next day I would install it in my car. 11/29/2020 - WHY MY OVERUNITY DEVICE WON'T WORK![]() Two days ago I posted a model of a free energy device that I proposed. I now know why it won't work. As the magnetic shield moves forward it compresses the field applying force to it. When the field decompresses as it exits, it does not return the force back to the shield. Because of this there is a direct transfer of force from the shield to the magnetic armature. 11/27/2020 - OVERUNITY IDEAThis is the closest I have come to creating overunity (aka free energy). The idea behind overunity is the produce energy output with less or none energy input. This idea violates energy conservation law of physics. I don't expect this device to work, but it's my best attempt at it... This device works using 3 layers. Bottom is a magnet with north pole facing up. The second layer is a super conductor shield. The third layer is a magnet with north pole facing down. When you move the superconductive shielding, the bottom magnet pushes the top magnet from the side, causing it to follow the superconductive shield. The amount of input force is near zero, but the output force is very high. The linear model is just a simple version of the device to show the concept, but it can be made into a rotary system. ![]() ![]() ![]() 11/27/2020 - WOW!This video changed my view of animals and evolution... 11/27/2020 - VERY COOL VIDEOSI feel relief... The animal intelligence video validates alot of my beliefs... I used to argue with people that body mass vs brain mass has nothing to do with intelligence Neural density can make up for brain size And that we use way more than 10 percent of our brain 11/18/2020 - SCHIZOPHRENIA THEORYVery short paper I just wrote about my theory of one type of schizophrenia... http://persion.info/projects/schizo/ 08/12/2020 - GENERAL INTELLIGENCEEvaluation and cause and effect use the same math… a < b < c = a < c a causes b causes c = a causes c This implies that both methods use a general intelligence. The problem is that if you try to use evaluation to do cause and effect, it will be more difficult since the general intelligence is in two separate contexts. Therefore if you want to measure intelligence, you need to be considerate of the context, not just the core algorithms. 06/30/2020 - MECHANICAL APTITUDE TESTI was always good at mechanical reasoning, but I wanted to make it official. So I took a standard mechanical aptitude test. Take the test here for $15 ... https://www.resourceassociates.com/tests/mechanical-reasoning-aptitude-test/ ![]() 03/28/2020 - ADDED GRILL PROJECTFinally posted my grill project, with many photos of the creation process. http://persion.info/projects/grill/ 03/27/2020 - I FOUND A NICE CODE TO HTML FORMATERThis cool tool lets me create a formatted version of my code with HTML. http://hilite.me/ 03/27/2020 - C# SPRING MASS LIBRARY PORTED TO PYTHONI finally got around to porting my C# spring mass simulator library to Python. Next step is to make it work in 3D. http://persion.info/projects/python-springmass/ 03/27/2020 - NEW PYRHON PROGRAMThis new python program monitors a directory looking for new image files. When it finds a new file, it opens it. The samne program in C# is 3 pages long. In Python it was half a page. The Python version is also more elegant and robust. http://persion.info/projects/python-loadnewimage/ 03/25/2020 - STL FILE FOR 3D PRINTING FACE MASK (CORONA VIRUS)https://longliveyoursmile.com/3d-printable-mask-for-covid-19/ FUSION 360 MODEL ![]() https://www.3dprintingmedia.network/forums/topic/my-face-mask/ ![]() 03/15/2020 - LEARNED SOME PYTHON AND PORTED MY PHP MD5 CRACKERhttp://persion.info/projects/md5/ 02/12/2020 - WELDING CLASS, PLASMA TORCHSecond to last day in welding class. Using plasma torch. ![]() 01/30/2020 - WELDING CLASS, FINAL PROJECTWelding class, final project. Chipping hammer made from steel bar and chain. ![]() 11/08/2019 - STATIC AND DYNAMICA can be a static and B can be a static.... The change from A to B is a dynamic... But a dynamic can be defined by one variable too .... Making it a static as well.... 11/07/2019 - EMOTIONAL ENERGYPeople misuse the word, "Energy" ... in socionics, energy is activation or modulation... not physics energy.... you can have a full stomach and still be too tired to produce with cognition.... You have to be "given" the right to use cognition 10/27/2019 - WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY IS ABOUTI think I just realized what Genesis in the bible is... I think its a subjective account of the development of the consciousness of a fetus to an adult.... The subjective history of the development of our perception since we were conceived. 10/10/2019 - ANALOGY FOR REMEMBERING TYPES OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERSTACO BELL FIRE EXTINGUISHER ANALOGY So you're making yourself a drink at Taco Bell... First you pour SODA/WATER mixture (A,A) On top of the drink is FOAM (AB) Under the foam is carbonation... CO2 (BC) When you drink it all, it's dry... DRY CHEMICAL (ABC) ![]() 09/27/2019 - I STARTED MY WELDING CLASSESI just picked up my welding equipment for my welding class. I love the welding mask! It is digital and you can set dimness, delay, and threshold. ![]() 09/08/2019 - RETRO CASIO COMPARISONCASIO F91W - Plastic Band, LED back light CASIO F105W - Plastic Band, EL back light CASIO A158 - Metal Band, LED back light CASIO A168 - Metal Band, EL back light CASIO F91W is to CASIO A158 as CASIO F105W is to CASIO A168 CASIO F91W is to CASIO F105W as CASIO A158 is to CASIO A168 ![]() 08/22/2019 - FIGURED OUT HOW MPEG COMPRESSION WORKSI figured out how MPEG compression works by seeing errors in movies. Sometimes in a movie the whole screen gets messed up... after that the artifacts follow objects around, such as peoples faces.... So I guess it defines a human face once, and then just moves it around the screen. 08/16/2019 - TESTED A CASIO F91W FOR WATER RESISTANCEhttp://persion.info/projects/casio-f91w-water-test/ 08/14/2019 - CREATED A WEB AND ANDROID BASED SOCIONICS DATABASE/CALCULATORI wrote an android and web based Socionics database/calculator app. I will post it after beta testing. 08/09/2019 - PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC PAPER![]() https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/data-compression-based-accelerated-evolution-jcsb-1000243.pdf https://www.hilarispublisher.com/author-profile/rostislav-persion-411374 08/01/2019 - CREATED A GROCERY BAG CARRYING HANDLE![]() https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3729420 08/01/2019 - MY IMPROVED RAINGUN THEORY![]() Instead of using Lorenz force to explain railgun operation... I found a more elegant way... Using flux compression force.... Basically a wire with current going through it doesn't want to be bent and tries to become a straight line... The junction between projectile armature and rails forms a 90 degree angle conductor which tries to straighten itself out, causing the armature to accelerate outward. 07/24/2019 - SUBMITTED PIECES TO WIRED MAGAZINERAILGUNS... I was telling my friend just now that Lorenz force is not the best way to explain how a railgun works... It's easier to explain like this... When a current runs through a wire, the wire wants to become a straight line.... If it's a closed circuit, it tries to become a circle....... In a railgun, the only displacement that can occur is projectile moving outwards SUPERSTITION...... Superstition might seem unfounded and unscientific, but it is a password for accessing predefined reactions from the upper levels of consciousness from within... like... if you do A, B and C, you will experience X, Y and Z... It is similar to the legal / moral system. If you do X, Y and Z, you will feel guilt. IMPORTANT INVENTIONS... People sometimes ask, "what is the most important invention ever?" .. the problem with this question is that inventions rely on other inventions... the right question to ask is, "What is your favorite technology?". 07/23/2019 - UPDATED SOCIONICS CALCULATORAdded MODEL-A capability http://persion.info/projects/socionics-console/ 07/20/2019 - TRANSFERED CONTENT FROM OLD WEBSITEhttp://persion.info/projects/pneumaticcannon/ http://persion.info/projects/railgun/ http://persion.info/projects/gyrogun/ http://persion.info/projects/shapememoryrobot/ http://persion.info/projects/typee/ 05/10/2019 - ADDED GRAPHICS DESIGN CATEGORYhttp://persion.info/projects/?cat=graphics 05/02/2019 - ADDED TESTIMONIALShttp://persion.info/projects/testimonials/ 04/10/2019 - ADDED MULTI CATEGORY CAPABILITYIf a project is both electronics and code, it will show up in both categories! 04/10/2019 - ADDED ABOUT AUTHOR CATEGORYhttp://persion.info/projects/?cat=about |